Advantages of Using a Buyer’s Agent

October 23, 2018 | By Bryan A.

In the process of finding the best home for purchase in Manhattan, things can often get a little tedious. Trying to balance all of the different factors that go into finding a home can feel like an impossible task. However, as you’ll see in the following article, there are wonderufl advantages from having a reliable buyers agent to have on your side of the transaction. In fact, the data shows it will help you get an even better home at a more affordable price.

What is a Buyer’s Agent?

A buyer’s agent looks for property for a buyer, meeting their client’s criteria and negotiating the purchase of the property itself. However, there is more to it than meets the eye, Manhattan Real Estate Broker David Aharoni states: “The beauty of a buyer’s agent is that it gives the potential homeowner support that they can't really get anywhere else. They can appear for you at properties and compile a group of homes that fit your specific criteria. It cuts down on your time and can help prevent major mistakes when searching through homes and during the application process. While most people believe they are able to do it on their own, agents can provide much needed support at any time, especially in a daunting co-op purchase. Buyer’s agents are also designated to spot out any errors in the purchase or negotiation of a home, while negotiating on your behalf with sellers and their own representation. Like many agents in other fields, they act as a representative designed purely for your benefit, and can go a long way in helping with finding a good home."

Why Should I Consider Using a Buyer’s Agent?

So, at this point you may be wondering about what sets buyer’s agents apart from going at it alone. Typically used when purchasing a condominium or co-op, buyer’s agents have uncanny expertise that few do when it comes to sourcing and negotiating the best the best listings at the best deal. They answer to your fudiciary interests first and foremost, meaning that you have the final say. There is no clear benefit for a buyer's agent to conceal certain properties or push you to buy others. Instead, they compile a portfolio of the best available homes both on market and off-market, which meet your own criteria, allowing you to choose and set a budget for them to adhere to.

They also are able to file tedious paperwork and help with property inspections. Buyer’s agents often give plenty of advice on both financing and potential improvements needed for a given property. They are also present at loan closings to address final questions and concerns from their clients. Many of the most common slip-ups for people relatively new to navigating the housing market can easily be avoided with an agent’s assistance. This makes buyer’s agents the ultimate option for personalization and accountability, which works to your benefit.

While it may not seem like a big difference at first glance, a buyer’s agent makes the property buying process a lot easier and profitable for their clients. They are there to serve your needs, provide valuable research, and help you through the often-complicated purchasing process. This makes them extremely valuable to have in a volatile buyer's market.

How Much Does a Buyer's Agent Cost?

There is no cost to the buyer, because the seller's broker typically compensates the buyer’s agent directly. The long term financial benefits that come with a proper search and sage advice on how to proceed with all things relating to your home purchase can save you both money and headaches down the line. For those unwilling to leave anything in their search to chance, a free consulation with a member of the team is strongly advised. Buyers can sign up for a consulation and learn more about our sister company here.

Tags: Residential Real Estate, Rent NY, Board Packages, Commercial Real Estate, Manhattan, Mortgage

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